Call Schedule

Call Schedule is a Schedule Viewer. Manual or Rule-based Call Schedules can be prepared for a small physician group or for large multi-speciality groups through a account on our website The schedule can then be viewed on your mobile devices using your account number and schedule name as credentials. App allows for highlighting your name on the schedule. This application is ideally suited for physician call groups, but will work equally well for any group that shares call.

Appearance is optimized for all sizes of iPhones, including iPhone X.

See on Apple App Store


Pager app mimics the functionality of a conventional pager (beeper) with the added advantages of:

  • Delivery confirmation
  • End-to-end security using SSL
  • Choice of ring-tones
  • Repeat Alerts
  • Messages are delivered to up to 5 devices registered to the same account
Messages can be sent:
  • Directly from a phone using built-in Touch-tone Service (numeric messages only). You get a dedicated phone number for your pager
  • Using the website
  • By e-mail to, e.g. Users can choose their own 7-digit number for this purpose on a first-come first-served basis or a random number can be assigned.
  • Using an iPhone or iPod Touch: Pager messages can be sent using an iPhone or iPod Touch via



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